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Latest news from the BOT
Latest Speeches of Governor, Deputy Governors and BOT Executive
Events/Activities held by the BOT to strengthen relationships with stakeholders
List of holidays for financial institutions and specialized financial institutions
Information on the BOT's roles & responsibilities in preserving financial and economic stability, both during the normal and crisis periods
Maintaining the price levels not to fluctuate too quickly in order to support the nation's sustainable economic development
A financial system that is capable of providing smooth financial services and is resilient against unexpected shocks
Supervising and monitoring financial institutions to ensure that they can perform the role of financial intermediary effectively
Maintaining the level of short-term interest rate to be in line with policy interest rate
Promoting safe, efficient and smooth operation of the country's payment system which supports the high level of trade and financial transactions
Producing high-quality banknote that is difficult to counterfeit, circulate good-quality banknotes, focus on sufficiency in all situations with the whole system's efficiency and environment
Supporting the maintenance of the nation's and regional economic stability, as well as promoting the role of BOT in the international arena
Providing special assistance apart from the BOT's responsibility to support the continuity of economic activities during the time of crisis
Access laws, notifications and circulars
Notifications and circulars that were issued by the BOT to regulate the operations of financial service providers
Laws that govern the BOT's operations, as well as other laws that the BOT in cooperation with other agencies enforce on related institutions
Find information and analyses on financial, economics, and financial markets issues
The overall economic and monetary conditions in Thailand
The latest forecast of Thai economic growth and inflation
Various reports for monitoring economic and financial conditions
Researches, articles, and other publications from the BOT
Reports on the BOT's operations such as annual report, monetary policy, etc.
Economic, monetary, public finance and financial statistics that are essential to the BOT's informed policy decisions, with guidelines on the BOT's data utilisation and data management as well as disseminated data to international organizations
Statistical data on transactions in the money market and capital market.
Statistical data on the financial position of the financial institutions sector with the economy.
Statistical data on the performance and operations of financial institutions.
Statistical data relating to the Thai payment system.
Statistical data relating to the financial transactions between residents in the country and those abroad.
Statistical data relating to the expenditure and fiscal status of the Government.
Statistical data relating to economic activities or conditions.
Indices and indicators for economic analysis.
Economic and financial statistics for the Northern, Northeastern, and Southern regions.
Service for automatically-connected BOT's financial and economic data to user's system or software that enhances the timeliness and security of data processing and data usage
Articles on the BOT's data collection as well as data dissemination and standard of compilation
Find all services provided by the BOT to public, financial institutions, and other organizations
Information on financial service providers under the supervision of the BOT
Find the contact information of commercial bank branches
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Services related to bonds and debt securities for public, financial institutions and other organizations
The future of Thai financial sector
Applying technology and data to develop financial innovation
Encouraging businesses to operate with environmental consideration and facilitate the adaptation of households
Financial service providers are able to adapt, innovate, and effectively manage new types of risks