Counterfeit Banknote

Counterfeit Banknotes

Although we are engaged in the daily use of banknotes as medium of exchange, we rarely familiarize ourselves with the features of banknotes. It is advisable to examine your banknotes whenever exchanging them with someone to ensure that they are genuine. Awareness of security features and ability to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit notes are of high importance.


How you can help deter counterfeit threats:

  • Take a close look at banknotes you receive, particularly those of high denomination.
  • Don't use or pass to another person counterfeit banknotes. Please note that the use of counterfeits is illegal.
  • ·Ask the person who gives you the counterfeit banknotes for additional information relating to the production, distribution, or passing.
  • If possible, observe the description of the passer/person who gives you the counterfeit. The description can lead to the arrest of counterfeiters.


Notify the police immediately, take the counterfeit banknotes to the nearest police station, or call 0-2282-7409 and 0-2356-7987.

Contact Details : P.O. Box 18 Wang Thewawet (Devavesm Palace) Bangkok 10205

According to Ministry of Finance, bribes and rewards are offered to case reporters and arresters respectively as follows:

Bribes are given to the case reporter by 2 following cases:​

Case 1: The alleged offender and other stuff involved in the practice of banknote counterfeiting are caught. Less than 30% of the stuff's value estimated by the BOT will be given but not exceed 100,000 Baht.

Case 2: The alleged offender and counterfeit banknotes are caught. Less than 30% of the stuff's value estimated by the BOT will be given but not exceed 100,000 Baht. 

Rewards are given to the arrester by 2 following cases:

Case 1: The alleged offender and counterfeit banknotes are caught. Less than 25% of the stuff's value estimated by the BOT will be given but not exceed 100,000 Baht.

Case 2: The alleged offender and counterfeit banknotes are caught. Less than 25% of the stuff's value estimated by the BOT will be given but not exceed 100,000 Baht.

In case without the case reporter, less than 30% of the stuff's value estimated by the BOT will be given.​