Non-depository Corporations


Non-depository Corporations, for example, mutual funds, insurance companies, provident funds, asset management companies, and securities companies, etc.

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Mutual Fund


Mutual Fund is a well-managed investment tools that seek the highest returns under the certain extent of risk investors can take. The mutual fund is suitable for retail investors who want to invest in money and capital market but are not well equipped with financial knowledge, are lack of experience and have limited financial resources etc.

The mutual fund is under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with The Securities and Exchange Act, B.E.2535 and amended.


Insurance Company


Insurance Company can be categorized into 2 types of business namely;

1) Life insurance company insures against the loss or damage of individual/group of individual where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary in exchange for a premium, upon the death, disability, dismemberment, or illness of the insured person.

2) Non-life insurance company is broadly divided into 4 areas, namely; Fire insurance, Auto insurance, marine insurance and Miscellaneous insurance.

The insurance business is under the supervision of the Office of Insurance Commission in accordance with Life Insurance Act, B.E.2535 and amended, and non-life Insurance Act, B.E. 2535 and amended.


Provident Fund


Provident Fund is a form of fund set up voluntarily between the employer and employees where the assets of this fund consist of money contributed by both employers and employees. The setting up of a provident fund can be regarded as a kind of benefit for employees where the assets of this fund will be further managed. The benefits derived from management are distributed to members of the fund proportionately.

The Provident fund is under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with Provident Fund Act, B.E. 2530 and amended, and The Securities and Exchange Act, B.E.2535 and amended.


Credit card and Personal loan Company


Credit card and Personal loan Company is a non-depositary business that provides credits in various forms, for example, credit card and personal loans, etc.

This type of business in under the supervision of the BOT in accordance with Declaration of the Revolutionary Council No. 58 and the Financial Institutions Business Act B.E. 2551.


Asset Management Company


Asset Management Company is established to manage non-performing asset of financial institutions.

Such company is supervised by the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the Emergency Decree on the Asset Management Company B.E.2541.


Securities Company


Securities Company conducts various kinds of securities business namely, brokerage, dealer, underwriter, investment advisory and private fund management, etc.

Securities Company is under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Act, B.E.2535 and amended.