Committee Members
Mr. Pakorn Nilprapunt
Mr. Subhak Siwaraksa
Miss Yaowaluk Chadbunchachai
Mr. Satorn Topothai
Miss Chunhachit Sungmai
Miss Mathinee Subhaswadikul
The Bank of Thailand Audit Committee
Audit committee is established by the Court of Directors (COD). The audit committee comprises of at least three up to five members including one of the members who is non- executive in charged as Audit Committee Chairman. The others are professional from external, at least , one of these must be an expert in accounting or auditing , another one must know and understand BOT's business well.
1. Function as mechanism of the Bank's Court of Directors to improve the effectiveness of Bank's risk management, internal control, good corporate governance and internal auditing processes, aimed at assisting the management in managing and supervising the Bank's operations toward achieving its set objectives.
2. Employ appropriate accounting policy and review the Bank of Thailand's financial reports to reasonably assure its fair presentation ,reliability and adequate disclosure in accordance with the generally accepted accounting standards.
3. Review the effectiveness of internal control system, risk management including information technology security and control, comply with international standard framework.
4. Ensure that the Bank's operations are complying with policies, plans, pertinent laws regulations and code of ethics.
5. Enhance the independence of the external auditor and upholds internal auditor's work of being adequately independent, objectivity , truthful and in line with applicable international standards. It also gives fair support to coordination among bank management, external auditor and Internal Audit Department.
The committee meets at least six times per year.