Measures to Prevent Thai Baht Speculation
Bank of Thailand (BOT) regulates foreign exchange transactions against Thai baht between onshore financial institutions and non-residents to maintain Thai Baht stability.
To maintain Thai Baht stability by limiting non-residents’ transactions in Thai Baht undertaken with onshore financial institutions without underlying trade and investment
Summary of Measures
Notifications / Circulars
Guidelines / Publications
Non-resident (NR) means
However, non-residents exclude:
1. Measures to Limit Thai Baht Liquidity
Onshore FIs provide THB liquidity or undertake transactions comparable to THB lending to non-residents (NRs)
• With underlying: The outstanding balance of each transaction shall not exceed the underlying value.
• Without underlying: The total outstanding balance of transactions shall not exceed 200 million Baht per group of NR. (by each FI)
2. Measures to Curb Capital Inflows
Onshore FIs borrow THB or undertake transactions comparable to THB borrowing from NRs
• With underlying: The outstanding balance of each transaction shall not exceed the underlying value.
• Without underlying: The total outstanding balance of transactions shall not exceed 10 million Baht per group of NR. (by each FI)
3. Measures on NRBA account and NRBS account
Onshore FIs shall monitor NRBA account and NRBS account
• Outstanding balance: The end-of-day outstanding limit for each type of account shall not exceed 200 million Baht per NR which includes balances across all NRBA or NRBS accounts opened with onshore FIs.
• Interest Payment: FIs shall refrain from paying interests to each account except for the fixed NRBA account with maturities of 6 months or over.
4. Measures on Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF)
Onshore FIs are not allowed to undertake NDF transactions against THB with NRs.
Relaxation of Foreign Regulations Under the Non-resident Qualified Company Scheme (5 January 2021)
Relaxation of Rules under the Measure to Prevent Thai Baht Speculation to alleviate the impacts of the COVID-19 situation (1 April 2020) updated on 19 January 2021