Economic and Financial Data
For Thailand
Date of Last Update :

The data shown on this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Thailand has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page. The data are not seasonally adjusted, unless otherwise indicated.
[Thailand: Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes - Data Module] 
SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations More Info
Date of Latest Data Latest Data 1/ Latest-1 1/
National accounts
   GDP at current market prices Billions of Baht Q1/24 4,614.7 p 4,631.3 p NESDB
   GDP, chain volume measures (reference year = 2002) Billions of Baht Q1/24 2,885.4 p 2,821.5 p
Production index (manufacturing production index) 2016=100 May/24 98.3 p 89.7 p MPI
Employment Thousands (End of month data) Q1/24 39,579.0 f 40,250.1 f by Ind
by Occ
Unemployment % of labor force (End of month data) Q1/24 1.0 f 0.8 f Unemploy
Wages/Earnings Average monthly wages in Baht per person Q1/24 15,052.4 f 15,382.0 f WAGE
Consumer price index 2019=100  Jun/24 108.50 f 108.84 f CPI
Producer prices index 2015=100  Jun/24 113.6 f 113.6 f PPI
General government operations CPS
​* Revenue Millions of Baht 2022-2023 3,723,677.5 p 3,437,844.6 p  
​​Taxes Millions of Baht 2022-2023 2,890,939.9 p 2,743,423.8 p  
​Social contributions Millions of Baht 2022-2023 163,378.2 p 119,944.3 p  
​​Grants Millions of Baht 2022-2023 2,273.0 p 2,139.1 p  
​​Other revenue Millions of Baht 2022-2023 667,086.3 p 572,337.5 p  
​​* Expense Millions of Baht 2022-2023 3,663,289.3 p 3,776,188.3 p  
​​Compensation of employees Millions of Baht 2022-2023 1,011,964.9 p 975,431.1 p  
​​Use of goods and services Millions of Baht 2022-2023 1,030,337.0 p 1,186,313.1 p  
​​Consumption of fixed capital Millions of Baht 2022-2023 239,980.7 p 229,940.5 p  
​​Interest Millions of Baht 2022-2023 207,826.8 p 226,084.2 p  
​​Subsidies Millions of Baht 2022-2023 298,670.8 p 165,060.8 p  
​​Grants Millions of Baht 2022-2023 1,650.5 p 1,510.1 p  
​​Social benefits Millions of Baht 2022-2023 624,286.7 p 618,926.4 p  
​​Other expense Millions of Baht 2022-2023 248,571.8 p 372,922.1 p  
​​* Gross operating balance Millions of Baht 2022-2023 300,368.9 p -108,403.2 p  
​​* Net operating balance Millions of Baht 2022-2023 60,388.2 p -338,343.7 p  
​​* Net/ gross investment in nonfinancial assets Millions of Baht 2022-2023 412,400.3 p 426,202.8 p  
​Fixed assets Millions of Baht 2022-2023 411,635.7 p 426,240.5 p  
​​Inventories Millions of Baht 2022-2023 701.9 p 28.8 p  
​​Valuables Millions of Baht 2022-2023 0.0 p 0.0 p  
​​Nonproduced assets Millions of Baht 2022-2023 62.6 p -66.5 p  
​​* Expenditure Millions of Baht 2022-2023 4,075,689.5 p 4,202,391.1 p  
​​* Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) Millions of Baht 2022-2023 -352,012.1 p -764,546.5 p  
​​* Net acquisition of financial assets Millions of Baht 2022-2023 36,272.3 p -10,344.3 p  
​​Domestic debtors Millions of Baht 2022-2023 36,272.3 p -10,344.3 p  
​​External debtors Millions of Baht 2022-2023 0.0 p 0.0 p  
​​* Net incurrence of liabilities Millions of Baht 2022-2023 532,536.5 p 815,720.1 p  
Domestic creditors Millions of Baht 2022-2023 603,951.0 p 753,925.2 p  
External creditors Millions of Baht 2022-2023 -71,414.4 p 61,794.9 p  
Central government operations   CGO
              2/ 5/
​​* Revenue Millions of Baht May/24 317,784.0 p 256,025.0 p  
​Taxes Millions of Baht May/24 264,237.0 p 188,711.0 p  
​​Social contributions Millions of Baht May/24 0.0 p 0.0 p  
​​Grants Millions of Baht May/24 193.0 p 183.0 p  
​​Other revenue Millions of Baht May/24 53,354.0 p 67,131.0 p  
​​* Expense Millions of Baht May/24 429,987.0 p 257,050.0 p  
​Compensation of employees Millions of Baht May/24 86,139.0 p 68,270.0 p  
​​Use of goods and services Millions of Baht May/24 68,216.0 p 44,408.0 p  
​​Consumption of fixed capital Millions of Baht May/24 27,900.0 p 20,699.0 p  
​​Interest Millions of Baht May/24 7,147.0 p 3,986.0 p  
​​Subsidies Millions of Baht May/24 28,167.0 p 29,539.0 p  
​​Grants Millions of Baht May/24 146,296.0 p 40,318.0 p  
​​Social benefits Millions of Baht May/24 41,268.0 p 39,795.0 p  
​​Other expense Millions of Baht May/24 24,854.0 p 10,035.0 p  
​​* Gross operating balance Millions of Baht May/24 -84,303.0 p 19,674.0 p  
​​* Net operating balance Millions of Baht May/24 -112,203.0 p -1,025.0 p  
​​* Net/ gross investment in nonfinancial assets Millions of Baht May/24 24,127.0 p -1,515.0 p  
​​Fixed assets Millions of Baht May/24 24,077.0 p -1,414.0 p  
​Inventories Millions of Baht May/24 50.0 p -101.0 p  
Valuables Millions of Baht May/24 0.0 p 0.0 p  
Nonproduced assets Millions of Baht May/24 0.0 p 0.0 p  
* Expenditure Millions of Baht May/24 454,114.0 p 255,535.0 p  
* Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-) Millions of Baht May/24 -136,330.0 p 490.0 p  
* Net acquisition of financial assets Millions of Baht May/24 7,528.0 p 59,546.0 p  
Domestic debtors Millions of Baht May/24 7,528.0 p 59,546.0 p  
External debtors Millions of Baht May/24 0.0 p 0.0 p  
* Net incurrence of liabilities Millions of Baht May/24 92,701.0 p 54,210.0 p  
Domestic creditors Millions of Baht May/24 92,701.0 p 80,181.0 p  
External creditors Millions of Baht May/24 0.0 p -25,971.0 p  
Central government debt CGD
Total outstanding Millions of Baht Apr/24 10,146,637.6 p 10,092,396.4 f  
   Domestic Debt Millions of Baht Apr/24 10,039,654.7 p 9,984,841.5 f  
Original maturity
      Long term Millions of Baht Apr/24 9,554,918.3 p 9,500,105.2 f  
Original maturity
      Short term Millions of Baht Apr/24 484,736.3 p 484,736.3 f  
Original maturity
   External debt Millions of Baht May/24 105,886.8 p 106,982.9 f  
Original maturity
      Long term Millions of Baht May/24 105,886.8 p 106,982.9 f  
Original maturity
      Short term Millions of Baht May/24 0.0 p 0.0 f  
Original maturity
Domestic debt by holder Millions of Baht Apr/24 10,039,654.7 p 9,984,841.5 f DDH
   Central Bank Millions of Baht Apr/24 593,193.7 p 562,100.8 f  
   Other Depository Corporations Millions of Baht Apr/24 3,507,266.2 p 3,526,847.7 f  
   Financial Coporations not elsewhere classified Millions of Baht Apr/24 3,230,345.9 p 3,159,365.9 f  
   Central Government Millions of Baht Apr/24 1,206,899.0 p 1,205,499.8 f  
   Local Government Millions of Baht Apr/24 86.5 p 86.5 f  
   Other NonFinancial Corporations Millions of Baht Apr/24 78,803.4 p 83,146.6 f  
   Public NonFinancial Corporations Millions of Baht Apr/24 221.0 p 221.0 f  
   Households & Nonprofit Institution Serving Household Millions of Baht Apr/24 578,750.4 p 578,499.7 f  
   Nonresidents Millions of Baht Apr/24 844,088.6 p 869,073.6 f  
Central government guaranteed debt Millions of Baht Apr/24 692,066.6 p 691,194.6 f  
   Domestic debt Millions of Baht Apr/24 671,049.5 p 669,366.3 f  
   External debt Millions of Baht May/24 20,874.9 p 21,017.1 f  
Analytical accounts of banking sector (Depository corporations survey) MS
Broad money Billions of Baht May/24 25,869.9 p 25,857.3 f  
Narrow money Billions of Baht May/24 3,115.2 p 3,137.9 f  
Net foreign assets Billions of Baht May/24 8,641.9 p 8,675.8 f  
Domestic claims Billions of Baht May/24 26,579.5 p 26,553.0 f  
   Net claims on central government Billions of Baht May/24 3,128.0 p 3,102.3 f  
   Claims on other resident sectors Billions of Baht May/24 23,451.5 p 23,450.7 f  
      Other financial corporations Billions of Baht May/24 1,242.2 p 1,212.6 f  
         Local government Billions of Baht May/24 9.4 p 8.6 f  
         Public nonfinancial corporations Billions of Baht May/24 838.4 p 832.3 f  
         Other nonfinancial corporations Billions of Baht May/24 8,197.9 p 8,216.2 f  
         Other resident sectors Billions of Baht May/24 13,163.7 p 13,181.0 f  
Analytical accounts of central bank (Central bank survey) RM
Monetary base  Billions of Baht Jun/24 2,601.7 p 2,679.1 f  
Net foreign assets Billions of Baht Jun/24 8,095.1 p 8,054.8 f  
Domestic claims Billions of Baht Jun/24 178.0 p 185.7 f  
   Net claims on central government  Billions of Baht Jun/24 -154.8 p -132.1 f  
   Claims on other depository
Billions of Baht Jun/24 329.8 p 314.8 f  
   Claims on other resident sectors Billions of Baht Jun/24 3.0 p 3.0 f  
      Other financial corporations Billions of Baht Jun/24 0.0 p 0.0 f  
         Local government Billions of Baht Jun/24 0.0 p 0.0 f  
         Public nonfinancial corporations Billions of Baht Jun/24 0.0 p 0.0 f  
         Other nonfinancial corporations Billions of Baht Jun/24 0.0 p 0.0 f  
         Other resident sectors Billions of Baht Jun/24 3.0 p 3.0 f  
Balance of payments   BOP
Current account Millions of US$ Q1/24 2,612.9 p 2,400.2 p  
   Imports of goods and services Millions of US$ Q1/24 85,047.3 p 81,862.6 p  
   Exports of goods and services Millions of US$ Q1/24 87,369.0 p 83,347.6 p  
   Net primary income Millions of US$ Q1/24 -2,190.8 p -1,568.2 p  
   Net secondary income Millions of US$ Q1/24 2,482.1 p 2,483.3 p  
Capital and financial account Millions of US$ Q1/24 -3,575.9 p -3,702.2 p  
Change in international reserves Millions of US$ Q1/24 1,846.7 p 1,703.1 p  
International reserves
(official reserve assets)
Billions of US$ Jul/19/24 227.7 f 227.8 f IR
Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity Billions of US$ May/24 224.3 f 221.1 f Reserve
Merchandise trade TRADE
Total exports (f.o.b.) Millions of US$ Jun/24 24,642.0 p 25,929.8 p  
Total imports (f.o.b.) Millions of US$ Jun/24 22,192.7 p 23,105.1 p
International investment position   IIP
Assets Millions of US$ Q1/24 613,981.8 p 618,795.9 p  
Liabilities Millions of US$ Q1/24 541,633.8 p 576,545.9 p
Net  IIP Millions of US$ Q1/24 72,348.0 p 42,250.0 p
Gross external debt   EXD
Total gross external debt Millions of US$ Q1/24 187,528.4 p 194,261.5 p  
   Short-term Millions of US$ Q1/24 78,104.8 p 79,179.9 p
      General government Millions of US$ Q1/24 176.4 p 281.1 p
      Central Bank Millions of US$ Q1/24 939.5 p 496.7 p
      Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
Millions of US$ Q1/24 15,301.5 p 19,588.7 p
      Other sectors Millions of US$ Q1/24 61,687.4 p 58,813.4 p
   Long-term Millions of US$ Q1/24 109,423.6 p 115,081.6 p
      General government Millions of US$ Q1/24 27,138.8 p 29,394.1 p
      Central Bank Millions of US$ Q1/24 5,506.0 p 5,645.0 p
      Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
Millions of US$ Q1/24 15,637.4 p 16,798.8 p
      Other sectors Millions of US$ Q1/24 61,141.4 p 63,243.7 p
Exchange rates             Exchange
Population Thousands Apr/24 70,164.0 p 70,148.5 p More Info
​Notes :
1/ p : preliminary;
   r : revised;
   f : final
2/ Fiscal year = October 1 to September 30
3/ Credit to local government is part of "gross credit to nonfinancial public enterprises" and not "net credit to central government".
4/ Credit to banks is included in "gross credit to private sector".
5/ Starting December 2004, government agencies have migrated towards "Government Fiscal Management Information System (GFMIS) which may cause some data delay and some data imperfection during the transition period.
6/ Starting December 2006, the monthly population data are estimated from the Labor Force Survey conducted  by the National Statistical Office.