Regulatory Sandbox

The testing of technology applications to drive financial innovation plays a crucial role in the continuous development of Thailand's financial sector. Technological innovations are used to support financial services and further develop into financial innovations that benefit both users and service providers. As a result, users gain access to a variety of financial services tailored to their needs through convenient and secure channels, while financial service providers can improve business processes to enhance service efficiency while reducing operating costs and gaining competitive advantages. In turn, the service providers can also set fair and appropriate service fees for users. However, applying technology to support financial services or develop financial innovations may introduce new risks that could impact the stability of the payment system and the overall financial system of the country. Therefore, risk assessment and monitoring, along with the establishment of appropriate regulatory measures, must be implemented concurrently.

Projects under the Sandbox

Number of participants by project

Data as of November 29, 2024

Types of Sandboxes

Sandbox type

Sandbox Eligibility Criteria

Operational Procedures

Relevant Regulations and Guidelines

  • BOT's Regulatory Sandbox Guidelines

  • BOT's Guidelines on the Use of Biometric Technology in Financial Services

Testing of Programmable Payment under the Enhanced Regulatory Sandbox framework

  • Programmable Payment Testing Framework

  • Programmable Payment Assessment Form